PRODUCT I 380A-1 Microwave Sensor

PROJECT | GDA Petfood’s


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Picture 1 shows the Cable tray located above the racking. The Elkay 380A-1 Microwave Sensor
shown here is located just to the right of the Ansell 200W Hi Bay that is switched off. In this install
they were replacing the old lighting system complete for a new one and were working across the
building aisle by aisle.

Picture 2 shows the aisle looking towards the loading bay

Picture 3 shows the aisle to the back wall where there is disused roller shutter door

Picture 4 Some of the Elkay 380A-1 Microwave Sensors were mounted on the ceiling to ensure
central location in the aisle. In some aisles the microwave sensors were added directly to the cable
tray where this was central to the aisle.

This project use case demonstrates the flexibility of the Microwave solution from Elkay in all
scenarios and can be mounted on the ceiling or on the walls to meet the needs of the customer in
their installation.